News & Events

Bylaws Are Under Review

The Bylaws of the District Council are under review. Currently, the dues check off is at 3.5% which covers the check off dues that the Council operates from, the window dues, what the members pay per month for membership and market recovery. The goal is to reduce the 3.5% to 2.5% for dues check off, separate the window dues to $11 per week to equal the $44 per month and go back to the .54 cents per hour the way it was before the change for market recovery.  For most  this will be a reduction in cost per hour. At the meetings this month , I will have an example of what the cost will look like going forward. My plan is to have the Bylaws rewritten to reflect what the members will be voting on for the approval of the membership. If you have questions, let us know. Also, the District Council is about to launch the new website for everyone to participate in.


In Solidarity,


Frank Carpenter


District Council 3


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